
  • Ø Peeled shrimps 300 grams
  • Ø 2 Onions
  • Ø 1 chicken egg
  • Ø Arrowroot 1 spoon
  • Ø Chopped parsley leaves 1 handful
  • Ø Chilli powder 1 spoon
  • Ø Salt as needed
  • Ø 1 young cucumber
  • Ø Testing salt 1 pinch
  • Ø Oil 150 grams
Preparation: Beat the egg. Wash and chop the prawns. Chop the onion. Now mix chopped onions, prawns, parsley leaves, tasting salt, salt, red chilli powder and arrowroot with egg and mix well. Make small balls.
Peel the cucumber and cut it into wheels.

Method: Heat a frying pan, pour oil. When the oil is hot, drop the fish balls and fry until brown.

Serving: Garnish the plate with cucumber slices and serve the fried fish balls with tomato sauce or chili sauce.
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