Just Try This!!

  •  Minced meat 500 grams
  •  1 chicken egg
  •  Parsley leaves chopped 1 handful
  •  2 onions
  •  Ginger 1 inch
  •  Salt and pepper powder as needed
  •  Soy sauce 3 tsp
  •  Oil 1/2 tsp
Preparation: Wash the minced meat. Crack the eggs. Spread onion and ginger and mince it. Mix the minced meat with all the spices and salt.

Procedure: Grease a lidded vessel with oil and pour the mince and spice mixture and close the mouth. Heat the dixie with half dixie water. When hot, leave the mince pot on the stove. Let the water boil. Let it boil for at least one and a half to two hours. Steam the meat (can also be steamed in a pressure cooker).
Remove the dixie from the heat and remove the meat pot.

Serving: Cut the mince into pieces and place on a plate. Serve hot with tomato or chili sauce.